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What can I expect?

The Process

Assessments can be initiated by a variety of people, such as parents, school district team members , attorneys, or special education advocates. Regardless of which party initiates the process, how an assessment proceeds generally follows a series of steps.

School Kids

7 Steps to Understanding

Once a contract is in place, the process typically unfolds in the following way:


  1. Educational and medical records are reviewed

  2. Caregiver concerns and hopes are shared

  3. A plan for assessment is determined

  4. Observations and interviews are completed

  5. The student participates in assessment

  6. A report is generated

  7. A meeting is held to review the results of the assessment

Preparing for Assessment

To assist with the assessment process, please assemble the student's cumulative educational records. Documents such as:

  • Report cards and Attendance

  • State-wide testing results (if available)

  • Student Study Team notes

  • Any historic or current 504 Plans or IEPs

  • Reports from other providers (Speech, Occupational, Academic, Psychoeducational reports, etc.)

  • Letters from doctors or psychologists


School districts can provide many of the above documents within five days of receiving a written request.



© 2024 by Lisa A. Pippin, LEP

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